A message from Judith
Dear Neighbor,
I hope you and your family are safe and staying healthy during this very challenging time for our community. The COVID-19 impact has been shocking to all of us on the Coastside, but particularly to the working poor, seniors on fixed incomes, the disabled, the fallen middle class, working folks who may not be eligible for government programs, and the homeless. We have seen a 75% increase in families visiting our food pantry compared to February. We expect this number to continue to grow as this health crisis continues to impact families in our community.
Coastside Hope is doing everything possible to provide safety net services to our neighbors in need. Our programs aim to achieve three long-term goals, increase economic security, increase food security, and increase housing security. While there’s a lot of uncertainty, we know that we need to adapt fast to our changing reality. Now, more than ever, our community needs us, and we need you because we can’t do this alone. Please help us provide basic life necessities with dignity and hope to all our neighbors in need by donating to our Coastside Gives Safety Net Campaign. We are in this together. Thank you to all of you for kindness and generosity.
Warm regards,
Judith and the Coastside Hope Team
You can begin early donations NOW for May 7th!