What is Case Management?
Coastside Hope provides many direct safety-net services to our neighbors. We offer food, rental and utility assistance, referrals for health care, help with complex forms, CALFresh (food stamps) enrollment, and advocacy. We also offer “basic social services case management.” What does this mean?
A case manager is the person who meets with a neighbor in need. Our caring, non-judgemental case managers possess a deep knowledge of assistance programs.
Coastside Hope has two case mangers – Violeta Almaguer and Ali Niera – guided by our Executive Director, Fatima Soares.
Case management is the act of going beyond the minimum. If qualifying clients ask for food, they will get it. But as our case managers learn about a client’s life, other resources will be offered – specialized help for caregivers, access to free public benefits, and more. Over time, case mangers become trusted sources of information for clients. Once trust is established, case managers can encourage clients to improve their situations, and guide them in finding the resources to do so.
Case Manager Profile:
Ali Niera, MA
In 2011, I obtained a Master’s degree in Sociology with an emphasis in Higher Education for Minority Groups. My passion throughout life has been to work with or on behalf of individuals from low-income backgrounds, minority backgrounds, and help them to succeed in their life goals.